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Intuitive Healing

Various alternative strategies and tools that balance mind and body.

Life Transition Guidance

Time periods that involve significant changes to your lifestyle.

Energy Healing

Universal Life Force alignment, relaxation and emotional healing.

Divination Consultation

Get the answers to life's questions through this unique experience.

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soul to Source?

What Is

Soul to Source focuses on helping our client uncover their spiritually-authentic self...from the soul to the source. From there we take an organic approach to finding our clients greatest potential. By uncovering the root causes of some of our unawakened past traumatic responses, unnecessary beliefs that no longer serve, and replacing balance in it’s place, Soul to Source helps to nourish the potential that lives inside of each and everyone of us.

Kathy, owner and founder of Soul to Source, began her journey as an Elementary Education Teacher for over 17 years.  Building on what she had done for children, she decided to make a career change and was called to helping the elderly. She received her Nurse Assistant Certification and became a resident nurse for Bella Terra assisted living and skilled nursing home facility, where she developed a strong connection to this calling and still works with the elderly in her community.


Kathy experienced a profound shift in her Awakening Journey in 2014. As a result, she has spent over the last 10 years doing intensive reading, research and practice, as well as attending workshops, courses and intuitive training to develop her skills. She is also advanced Reiki and Sound Healing certified. 


Those experiences, combined with the education and skills she has acquired along with her passion, for compassion, has led her to her latest endeavor, which is offering specialty services that get to the heart of what her clients need by uncovering the root causes of some of our unawakened past traumatic responses, unnecessary beliefs that no longer serve and replacing these with a sense of balance and authenticity. Kathy is also a wife, mother of three grown boys and a cancer survivor.

Owner Soul To Source

"I wanted to create a community that brings empowerment to all individuals in their awakening process, serving soul development and spiritual growth as inner knowing brings you home to Source."

Soul to Source helps to nourish the potential that lives inside of each and every one of us by Remembering our Inner Knowing.

Image by Zoltan Tasi

"The Source within me, that is expanded as a result of what I have lived, stands in loving appreciation of all that I have become and calls me never endingly toward it."

– Abraham

Remembering Your



– ohiyesa

Silence is the absolute poise of body, mind and spirit.

Whether it be guiding the client through intuitive healing, various life transitions, divinating with intention or receiving energy healing, Soul to Source meets the clients individual specific need for clarity. A return to Source.

We offer an array of services that get to the very soul of what you need to return to Source. 

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